William Langewiesche, a writer and pilot, once told me that flying a plane was “90 percent boredom, 10 percent terror.” I might say the same for the “Make it great like ’68! Shut down the [Democratic National Convention] for Gaza!” protest that took place in front of the Israeli consulate in downtown Chicago on Tuesday
As Nicols Maduro bans X and Signal, the role of technology in Venezuela becomes undeniable. Now more than ever, people’s freedom lies in their ability to communicate and access information with privacy and security. This is true not only in Venezuela but also in the United States. Maduro’s Repression “I feel like a Jew in
Last week, the Trump campaign falsely asserted that “homicides are skyrocketing in American cities under Kamala Harris.” On Tuesday, the campaign offered a more nuanced and sophisticated critique of crime data cited by the Democratic presidential nominee. But it still does not support the earlier claim, which is inconsistent with numbers from several sources. A
The trial in Dominion v. Fox News, which has already resulted in bombshell revelations about the right-wing media giant and the 2020 election, is scheduled to begin Tuesday. Unless a settlement is reached, a jury will determine whether Fox is financially liable for broadcasting and promoting false claims about Dominion Voting Systems voting machines rigging
Last week, five people were charged with providing the ketamine that led to actor Matthew Perrys death. Its the latest news in a saga that has renewed questions over ketamines dual role as a promising depression treatment and an illicit drug. Questions about ketamine are now all the more relevant because of a pandemic-era decision
Listening to Barack Obama at the Democratic National Convention last night was like stumbling upon a man from another time. His evocation of the importance, the centrality even, of searching for humanity in our fellow Americans, particularly those on the far side of our partisan divide, was moving because it felt so foreign. Mutual respect
When the electorate is seething, a triumphant political party becomes a vessel for discontent. But in the elections that have followed Donald Trumps victory in 2016, Democrats have been confused about which groundswell of anti-establishment ire they should channel: the spirit of Occupy Wall Street or that of Black Lives Matter? Each protest movement suggested
Algerina Perna | Baltimore Sun | MCT | Getty Images The explosion of online sports betting is taking a toll on personal finances, particularly among those who are financially distressed. That’s the conclusion of a recent paper, “Gambling Away Stability: Sports Betting’s Impact on Vulnerable Households.” The authors found that sports betting has exploded since
The National Association of Bond Lawyers will award Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger, D-Md., the Bernard P. Friel Medal and David Cholst the Federick O. Kiel Distinguished Service Award for their individual contributions to NABL and to the industry over the last four decades. Those will be given out during NABL’s The Workshop 2024, held in Chicago
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(RNS) — Flush with excitement at the nomination of Kamala Harris to the top of its presidential ticket, the Democratic National Convention opened at Chicago’s United Center on Monday (Aug. 19), projecting energy and emphasizing unity. But for many faith-based activists, the convention will be a culmination of months of activism and protest against the