
In early 2018, senators from both parties met with Donald Trump inside the White House. They were there to discuss the visa lottery system, which is a program that allocates visas to people from countries with historically low rates of immigration to the United States.

This is one of many government programs thats existed for decades without anyone in power asking why it exists even though a visa lottery like this makes no sense whatsoever. The only criterion we should have when deciding who gets to enter the United States is whether admitting those people would make the United States a better country. Whether or not their country is underrepresented in the United States should have no bearing on whether a potential migrant is awarded a visa. As simple and obvious as this point may be, you rarely hear anyone say it. Certainly, you dont hear presidents say it.

But in his meeting with the senators, Donald Trump pointed out the problem right away. Trump specifically wanted to know why we were awarding visas to people from Haiti, one of the poorest and most dysfunctionalcountries in the entire world. (Depending on who you ask, Trump used slightly more colorful language than that.)

You probably remember the outrage that followed. There was an outrage cycle that lasted more than two weeks. Haitis government said Trumps comments were abhorrent. The United Nations human rights office said Donald Trump had damaged and disrupted the lives of many people. Conan OBrien startedfilming his show in Haiti, during which he repeatedly blamed Haitis collapse on the United States. The Haitians have been dealt the worst hand in the Western Hemisphere, he said, implying that we owe them housing and healthcare as a result.


But none of the outrage addressed Trumps fundamental question. At no point did anyonein the press, or the Democrat Party, explain why we need to admit more Haitiansinto the United States. No one addressed Trumps concern, which is that giving Haitians visas simply because they come from Haiti, and for no other reason would dramatically lower the quality of life for American citizens.

As a result, two years after the manufactured outrage over Trumps comments, lives have indeed been damaged and disrupted, as the United Nations put it. But those lives are not in Haiti. Theyre in places like Springfield, Ohio, which were overrun with Haitians overnight. That is not hysteria. Its clearly happening. This is a report from NPR maybe the most Democrat-aligned media outlet in existence. But even NPR cant spin the situation in Springfield.

Around 2020, things in this town took an unexpected turn. Thousands of Haitian migrants, fleeing violence and poverty, landed in Springfield. Locals say it felt like it happened overnight, NPR wrote. On Sunday afternoons, you could suddenly hear Creole mass wafting through downtown streets. Haitian restaurants started popping up. The town of around 60,000 has received some 15,000-20,000 migrants in the last four years, many of them from Haiti.

Ill say that again. A town of 60,000 people has received roughly 20,000 migrants in just the last four years. Thats a third of their population being added. This is a town that already had a poverty rate of more than twice the national average before the Haitians started moving in. This would be unsustainable even if Springfield were recruiting highly qualified, skilled immigrants. You cant just massively increase your population very quickly without breaking things.

And things are indeed breaking in Springfield. Take a look at this data, from the FBIs Crime Data Explorer. The blue line tracks the number of crimes reported in Springfield, Ohio.

FBI Crime Data Explorer

Notice how its pretty steady from 2012 to 2020. And then all of a sudden, the number of reported crimes surges. In fact, it more than doubles beginning in 2020, when this surge of migrants from Haiti arrives. One of those crimes was committedlast August byHermanio Joseph, a Haitian migrant who drove his minivan into a school bus, killing an 11-year-old child who was ejected from the bus.

The driver apparently had a Mexican drivers license and Ohio ID card, but no Ohio drivers license. Obviously, he shouldnt have been in this country, much less driving on the road. But he was here. And for killing a child, he was only sentenced to about ten years in prison. These kinds of stories are now commonplace in Springfield.

Meanwhile, social services have been overwhelmed. The Daily Mail reported, At the community health clinic, Haitian patients rose from 115 to 1,500 between 2021 and 2023, overwhelming services Rocking Horse Community Health Center chief medical officer Yamini Teegala said language barriers meant a 15-minute consult took up to 45 minutes. We lost productivity. We had a huge burnout of staff, she [said]. The clinic hired six Haitian Creole translators, but its translation budget blew out from $43,000 in 2020 to $436,000, which Teegala said was unsustainable.

Even with all this spending, Haitians are still terrorizing locals in Springfield. Heres one woman at a city council meeting explaining that the towns no longer safe for her to live in:Absolutely HEARTBREAKING moment Springfield, Ohio, resident tells mayor that she cant take it anymore as Haitian migrants squat on her lawn, litter in her yard and harass her and elderly husband daily.

The mayor of Springfield does NOT want people to see this:

captive dreamer (@captivedreamer7) September 7, 2024

You can understand her exasperation. Springfield didnt vote for this. Its one of the most pro-Trump areas in the entire country. But no one can escape the consequences of mass migration. Thats the whole point of it. The Biden-Harris administration looks at this, and they see a success story. There is no outrage among the Left as communities like this are destroyed. They dont care even as American citizens including children are killed.

In fact, its not just human beings who are being murdered as a result of this migrant surge. In Springfield, there are now reports on social media that Haitians are eating peoples cats. Residents at city council meetings are also complaining that Haitians are eating ducks on the side of the road. This is from just a week ago. Watch:Haitians are in the park grabbing ducks, cutting the heads off, and eating them

Springfield resident to City Council:

End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) September 8, 2024

The man goes on to note that there are plenty of police in Springfield. Its easy to get a traffic ticket. But apparently, its not easy to round up and deport the Haitians who are eating animals and crashing their cars into children. Thats not the governments priority. He theorizes in that clip that maybe the governments being paid off by somebody. Thats all he can think of.

But that doesnt have to be the explanation. The Biden administration has a clear political motivation to import as many third-world aliens as possible because eventually, theyll vote. And some local politicians in Springfield which was devastated economically after the auto industry moved overseas thought that more migrants would help the economy. And now here we are. Instead of helping the economy, the migrants are eating animals in public.

As unsettling as all of this is, you have to wonder whether this will be the thing that finally awakens people on the Left to the problem of rampant immigration. They dont seem to care much when immigrants kill human beings. That doesnt bother them in the slightest. But maybe theyll care about the ducks and chickens and cats that are meeting an untimely demise. Presumably, the vegans will be rising up any day now. One wonders what the childless cat ladies will say when their cats end up in a Haitians crock pot or whatever they use to cook them. After all, this isnt just happening in Springfield, Ohio. Its happening everywhere that illegal migrants are being imported.

Thats why theres a siilar crisis unfolding in Queens, New York, which is the borough thats taking the brunt of the illegal migrant surge in the city. 70 of New Yorks 193 taxpayer-funded migrant shelters are located in Queens, and hundreds of thousands of illegals have arrived in the city in the last two years. As councilman Robert Holden put it: Were getting dumped on here. How long can we sustain this? These shelters add nothing to the neighborhood. They only bring crime.

Some of that crime involves eating animals, apparently. The New York Post reported, Animal sacrifices are surging in Queens, with chickens, pigs and rats being tortured, mutilated or killed in twisted religious rituals in parkland surrounding Jamaica Bay In a little over a month, at least nine wounded animals or carcasses have been discovered in the federally-managed Spring Creek Park in Howard Beach and the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in Broad Channel including five live pigs with partially severed ears. Creatures recovered from the revolting scene also include a near-dead baby rat tied up in a bag with chicken bones; a freshly-decapitated chicken head; a live hen in distress; and a dead dog with its neck snapped.

This is being linked not to Haitians, but to Hindu devotees who worship the goddess Kali. Then theres this quote, from Sloane Quealy, who runs Zions Mission Animal Rescue. Its continually getting worse. The animal sacrifices are happening more repeatedly, more times a week. The sacrificers know its open season.

Yes, the sacrificers know its open season. And of course, those sacrificers typically have something in common, which is that they didnt come from the United States. These episodes are yet more evidence of a simple truism: import the third world, become the third world. Culture matters. When you allow a flood of third-world people, you end up with an increasingly third-world culture. Anyone who has ever been to a third-world country knows that this is not an improvement. You get fight clubs on the streets. You get garbage all over the place and loud music playing around the clock. Watch:

Hes lived there for more than 30 years, and hes never seen anything like it. But its happening now. Some of this may be because of the visa lottery, which allows people like this into the country illegally. A lot of it is because of asylum fraud or temporary protected status and so on. But the debate over whether these migrants are illegal or not isnt really the main issue here.

Thats because, as hard as it may be for either party to admit, illegal immigration is not the only problem. Unchecked immigration of any kind illegal or legal creates the same problems in this country. We do not erase the downside of importing many thousands of Haitians every year just by importing them legally. The immigrants that are reportedly conducting blood sacrifices on the streets do not suddenly become acceptable because we give them a visa. The key point is that we do not want America to be like these places. We dont want America to become like Haiti or any third-world country. Whether it becomes like Haiti or any similar place illegally or legally is basically irrelevant. If places like Springfield and Queens are ever going to become habitable again, the people running the government have to admit that. And then they have no choice but to get these people out of the country as quickly as possible.

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