
When answering a survey about the FT I was asked if there was enough content written by women and whether I was more or less likely to comment on articles if I could do so anonymously.

This reminded me that, while many FT articles are written by female journalists, the letters page seems to be dominated by men. I wonder if this is due to lower female readership, women’s reluctance to give their opinions, sexism on the part of the letters editor or a mixture of all three.

I would be interested to hear the views of all genders.

Mary Shipley
London SW17, UK

​Letters in response to this letter:

Two reasons women have no time to write FT letters / From Grazyna Söderbom, Sävedalen, Sweden

Glad to be a quota booster / From Hilary Sutcliffe, London SE21, UK

Women find better uses for their time (says a man) / From Andrew Davis, Chicago, IL, US

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